Brooklyn: Our April Baby of the Month
In 2012, Mom Eryn and her husband were surprised with the news that they were pregnant with their first child, a son. The pregnancy was complicated and Eryn was very ill. The delivery was also complicated and ended in an emergency c-section. However, given all of that, the couple still longed for another child. So […]
Riley: Our March Baby of the Month
All of her adult life, mom Kim wanted to have a baby and a family of her own. As a 38 year old gay single mother, she felt her time was running out. She finally started the process to parenthood in 2020, at FIH, in the midst of the recent global pandemic. The best course […]
Fertility Institute of Hawaii – Winter 2020 Newsletter Update
We just sent out our newsletter update for the Winter of 2020. Here’s a copy of the email in case you missed it! Happy New Year to you and your family! We’ve been busy at FIH, and staying on the cutting-edge as always. Highlights of our Winter Update include news about our Accessible IVF with […]