Is my lining too thin?
Poor endometrial lining development during ovulation induction (OI) cycles can become a valid concern for some patients. Endometrial lining increases its thickness with increasing estrogen levels in the body that comes from developing follicles. A thick, receptive, nourishing endometrial lining is the best possible environment for the embryo to implant. It is measured when you come in for your ovulation induction ultrasounds. Ideally, […]
Matthew James: Our July Baby of the Month
Mom Margaret and husband Michael knew they always wanted to have a family. After 3 failed IUIs, Margaret and Michael really began to process that it was going to be more challenging than they initially thought to start a family. With their thoughts turning to IVF versus additional IUIs, they then sought out the Fertility […]
Hypothyroidism in pregnancy
Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces an inadequate amount of thyroid hormone. This causes a “slow down” of body metabolism leading to fatigue, drowsiness, forgetfulness, difficulty with learning, dry, brittle hair and nails, itchy skin, puffy face, constipation, sore muscles, weight gain, fluid retention, heavy and/or irregular menstruation, increased frequency of miscarriages and/or increased […]
Progesterone after Ovulation
Progesterone is a hormone named for exactly what it does: it is Pro- Gestation. It is a hormone made by the corpus luteum, that is, the cells left over in the follicle after the follicle ovulates and releases an egg. Progesterone is important for transforming the endometrium so that it is receptive to embryo implantation. […]
What is an endometrial biopsy?
An endometrial biopsy (EMB) is an in-office procedure that is usually done to gain more information about the uterine lining or endometrium. An EMB can help determine if there are certain factors present which are associated with infertility, such as a chronic infection, polyps, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometrial cancer. Not all women with infertility require […]