Baby of the Month

  • Cameron & Jeremiah: Our July 2015 Babies of the Month

    “The day of my transfer, we put in two embryos and the same day, I just knew I felt implantation.” Mom Lisa met her new spouse in 2008. With the delivery of her son at 31 weeks, she had a c-section and then a tubal ligation. When Lisa and her now husband wanted to have […]

  • Parker & Taylor: Our June 2015 Babies of the Month

    “In December 2010 we received the call we had been waiting for, for over two-and-a-half years… the voice over the phone, a nurse whom I had become very close with, said Santa is coming early for you two this year. “You’re pregnant!!”” Mom Kellie and her husband had been struggling with infertility for two years, […]

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