Frozen in time

Everyone’s fertility journey is unique! There is no one size fits all or easy map to creating a family. This week we wanted to feature this heartwarming story, “Frozen in Time.” The story of Bryson, and the story of how he began, by our previous patient, Heather. If you would like to share your story, please let us know. Helping to Create New Beginnings…

Frozen in Time. The story of Bryson, and the story of how he began,

Written by: Heather, Bryson’s mommy with love

This is the story of how my son, Bryson, was made by the Fertility Institute of Hawaii. I have never edited it or shared it with anyone, but thought it was cute when I came across it in an old email I sent myself after having Bryson.

Mommy and daddy tried and tried to have a little baby for about five years. All my brothers and sisters never made it into this world because they weren’t quite strong enough. When mommy and daddy went to the Fertility Institute of Hawaii, Dr. John Frattarelli and all of the nice nurses and scientists helped to make me! Mommy had to take so many shots and medicine to make me too. It wasn’t that much fun taking the medicine, and getting shots in her bottom.

However, it was all worth it in the end. After taking all these medicines mommy and daddy went to Dr. Frattarelli on November 1, 2014, and he took out mommy’s eggs. Then they put together mommy’s eggs and daddy’s little fish to start making me. There were 12 eggs, and when they met daddy’s fish, they made eight embryos. Then me and my brothers and sisters got to go on our first trip! We went far away where they took part of our cells out of our embryo. That’s when I passed my first test!! There were four embryos that were tested. I was the only little boy, and I was super duper strong. Unfortunately, my three sisters that were tested were not strong enough to try to come into this world. I was mommy and daddy’s only hope!! After all of this, mommy had to get ready to have me put in her tummy. I was Frozen In Time for about three months, and then luckily after I thawed out, I got to hibernate in my mommy’s tummy where I grew and grew and grew. This was a really long wait, and boy was I cold!!!

Finally, on January 13, 2015, the doctor put me inside my mommy’s tummy where I would go, and grow for the next almost 10 months. Mommy and daddy were so excited but anxious the entire time, because three of my other brothers and sisters never got to come to the world, they were not strong enough. This was really sad. With God and Dr. Frattarelli and his amazing team’s help, on September 22, 2015, I finally arrived in this world at 12:45 AM in Kailua, Hawaii. I could feel so much love already when I saw Dr. Ali’s face and then got to see my daddy. Then my mommy got to feed me for over an hour and a half until I finally fell asleep at 3:45 in the morning. This was how life went the next year. Mommy sure was exhausted, but loved me more than anything in the whole wide world!! And that is my story of how I began. I am 5 and ½ years old now, and I have a baby brother.

His name is Brody who was also Frozen In Time. Just like me, he was the ONLY embryo out of the four who were tested, and made it into mommy and daddy’s arms. He’s almost 3 years old! I really love him, and I am so happy God and Dr. Frattarelli and his team helped to make me a baby brother too!!

Mahalo to everyone at the Fertility Institute of Hawaii!!

I guess being Frozen in Time was ALL worth it!!

Bryson & Brody

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